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I think that the Nativity scene made of squids might need to come home with me tonight if no one else buys it.
@bridgetDginley That is one major advantage of said boyfriend's current hair renders frosting impossible.
@sewdarnjenny Thanks! I've got some funny stories, at least
@bitterbee And just think, my darling, the excitement hadn't even STARTED yet at that point.
(And NO, I am so not making that up)
2nd day of BazBiz starts shortly. Exhausted. Will I make it til 6? Will there be any more cop-on-bingo player violence in the parking lot?
@tjakab You are made of awesome.
@modeknit He's not for rent, either, unless one of the big comic book companies would like him. Anyone? Anyone?
Off to Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland shortly. Setup went well yesterday; expecting a nice big crowd if weather holds out.
Time to consume mass quantities of coffee prepped by ultra-considerate @tjakab. Best. Boyfriend. Ever. And no, you can't borrow him.
I woke up early for this trans-Atlantic conference call, @kerrieallman, @s_r_w et al. Don't tell me you've had THAT much eggnog already!
@Norvegal @melissaknits Royalties?! ha ha ha I just snorted through my nose. Only books I've ever seen them on are my IWP ones.
@caseyf It is NEVER too early for mistletoe.
@plainsight Yay! congrats! it is a super-brilliant pattern.
@sewdarnjenny I resemble those remarks. Ha! I think @mattwaldrop may have laughed himself sick the day I called myself a housewife, though.
@Chester12pound All ladies who own small dogs have been guilty of this, Chester.
@bitterbee AKA "Hey, let's go to Tremont and act up!" suburbanites. If you went to wherever they're from and did that they'd call the cops.
Time to make the donuts...I mean, go onsite and start setting up for Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland.


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