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Barometric pressure is still down. Am not optimistic about this afternoon's neurotherapy session.
I am in my own personal medication withdrawal hell. Tapering off them is worse than I hoped.
@BarbieHead Why would you do that to me? I want those shoes so hard it hurts.
Playing too much Wii makes my arm hurt.
@katiewest Psst... New Moon starts filming in mid-March but they're filming in Canada, not Oregon.
@katiewest You should hear the conversations Xander and I have about movies... and comics. Downright embarrassing.
@Darknightglow Thank you! I have a new doctor now and she's so much more competent and wants me on as little medication as possible.
@Darknightglow I was being treated for bipolar disorder, which it turns out I don't actually have, by a doctor who gave me too much meds.
Today is awkward medication rescheduling/new dosage day. I plan to spend the day either asleep or playing video games.
First night on reduced meds. I'm having difficulty finding sleep. Listening to a disc of Chopin's nocturnes to compensate.
@warrenellis I would never do violence to you. Mainly because I fear what you would do to my brain afterward.
@McKelvie I have to agree with you on that one. I hated Cabin Fever. I kind of hate Eli Roth in general, actually.
@Jerem_Morrow Well, I studied violin, piano, cello, flute, and guitar at various times in my life. Flute wound up being my favorite.
@Jerem_Morrow I'm a huge fan of the cello. I actually used to play it once upon a time.
As a child, I could only fall asleep if I was listening to classical music.
I need more classical music in my collection. I used to have quite a few albums but I think I gave them all to my dad.
I love my good days. My good days are like remembering what it's like to live again.
I am a neurotherapy ninja.
Give me chocolate or give me death.


Matt Jones Alasdair Melissa Gira Grant budgie rstevens Irene Kaoru Jamie Keane Ashley SGK Wil Wheaton Jamais Cascio Ariana Osborne Alice Skary Kelly Sue DeConnick Warren Ellis Brian Wood Kaijou Kitchner Xander Christopher Billy Gray benjamin sTone Emma Vieceli Steven Shaviro Mer zdarsky katiewest mattfraction Libby Bulloff Jamie McKelvie Kawaii Not BarbieHead William Vitka cmpriest Si Spurrier jamiekisser brubaker Rosie hatebot