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Saw the Hack and Slash Xmas Carroll last night, was quite good. Best parts probably weren't scripted, though.
@auilix two days after getting my teeth pulled, I was at practice for cross country. I also mixed up the antibiotic and painkiller bottles.
I just noticed that twitter likes to edit out my use of the ellipsis.
@rosscott why thank you sir.
@martyfnday says the guy with two links on just about everyone elses pages
@rosscott speaking of link swaps, ever notice a missing comic from your links list?
@DavidGallaher rare earth, I presume? I love those little bugger.
@rosscott I think the key here is that a lot of people that aren't IIFT are defining what IIFT is, and that can hurt it in the long run.
@prindiville but by me saying it, it helps convince me that I was the one to create you as an imaginary friend.
@prindiville we might be the same person.
@prindiville Frances is a Bagle? as in Beagle + Bassett?
really, what this gets down to is that I need to stop messing around and really get some promotion going for Dear Pirate.
@bcslaski it's now a few hundred? that's a bit of moving of the goal posts.
@rosscott it's actually been submitted by a few people, myself included. But it scrapes up pretty close to the minimum hits.
@rosscott I'm confused as to why I'm not on IIFT for Dear Pirate, and annoyed that Hello With Cheese won't be there until August.
@capesbabes read that this morning. She made it to 85, and finally got around to embracing her pop icon status. A good life for Ms. Paige.
@ajeanmustang so yeah, you called it. Sally is definitely a Bagle Hound.
doing some research on google images, I do believe Sally is a Beagle and Bassett Hound mix.
@pierski actually got over that rather quickly. was more disappointed that Soylent Blue wasn't people.
I think I just figured something out that's been bothering me since July.


rstevens Scott Kurtz Jason Salsbury Danielle Corsetto Tanya Higgins Kris Straub sohmer Lar deSouza Hawk Meredith Gran Jamie Noguchi FSM Kristy Bourgeois Ken Rich Johnston Ed Ryzowski James Hatton Warren Ellis Amanda Steging Greg Carter Valerie D'Orazio jeph jacques Marty Day Ghostfreehood DavidGallaher auilix Spike CrowChick Tony Lee B. Casimir Slaski Chris Flick bookofbiff Steve Napierski Caffiend_Kevin guigar