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<-- slacker. But I finally got November numbers for newspapers on Twitter posted:
@jflewton Oops! No gloves, Twittering from a phone, quite quite cold ... you know.
The nice security guard cleaned off my car! I guess lee won't be building a nice parking garage for us anytime soon.
I should have made @jfjewton warm up my car during his last smoke break.
@Rose101 They can download Firefox :)
Laid off? Accept a buyout? RT@mashable: 100+ places to find jobs
RT @Weatherbird Home values are down, but property taxes probably won't be. What should I say about that?
@dannysanchez There's a Hurricane Erika too! (Who do I need to call to get them to spell it right?)
@tball I know. What will the kids think of next?
you should join the @kevinco fan club. srsly!
@sls322 Oh, sure. *You* can get @markymark82 to Twitter.
RT @coloneltribune CNN's ticker is dead. (Evidently no one liked it?)
St. Louis friends: Anyone know a jeweler who works with silver?
@paginatrix No -- it's flexible. No one has to join/be listed.
@dpstud I didn't read far enough to see that you were actually asking the question. Damn that @kevinco and his bossiness!
RT @kevinco OK, what makes a video go viral - trying to help with a finals term paper. I'll start with cute animals.


George Kelly Paul Smith John C Abell Aldon Hynes Robert French Jim Long Daniel X. O'Neil Patrick Beeson Nep (Travis) Rex Sorgatz Vonster Dustin Major Highfield Mark Friesen William Couch Bill Keaggy Sarah Perez Jennifer Nathan L Paul Bradshaw Thomas Smith Kooz Anthony Moor Will Betheboy Debra Denton Laurie White Ryan Sholin Brett Roegiers Jack Lail Paul Gillin Joe Murphy Andrew Foote Cindy Royal kristy Etan Horowitz Brendan Monaghan
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