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Why is Sarah Palin standing in front of a picture of St. Louis?
St. Paul: There's a man outside the security gate holding a sign that reads "Read my first novel."
At the Republican convention: this time the Trojan tent is INSIDE the secure perimeter.
St. Paul: General listless lack of purpose here.
There is no beer for sale in Mile-High Stadium.
It did not occur to me to pack sunscreen for a political convention.
Denver: I just gave Ray Nagin directions.
Denver: Politics and media are both games for tired old men and perky young women.
Someone told Tucker Carlson to ditch the bowtie. Wisely, he complied.
There's a Circle K inside the secure perimeter. Atop it stand two marksmen.
Am housed so far from Denver that on my way in I passed a sign that read "Quarter horses for sale."
Ther is shame, it turns out, in telling people you're staying at the Fairfield Inn Denver Airport.
Rep. Murtha on the aiport shuttle. Yup. It's the convention.
Awkward discussion at dinner. Am asked in front of parents, grandmother and wife about appropriateness of beach volleyball teeny bikinis.
@joshandrews I am clearly using the wrong barber.
Work project I'm proud of: asked a couple people to document their lives with cell phones, made videos
And Heathrow greets me with a long walk and a world-changing headache.
One Ambien plus one gin & tonic = sleep in coach.
Spotted in Club Acela, Penn Station: a mouse.


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