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@leighwalton I look forward to the inevitable Ditko-drawn Wormy FCBD one-shot.
I just had lunch with Michael Uslan. My life is weird but kind of awesome sometimes.
At the LIC apt., the 'Ling curled up in his Pack + Play for old times' sake. Perhaps I will watch Wholphin or review some comics.
Annotations for Final Crisis #5 up at . Somebody has already failed to get one of my jokes. (It wasn't a great joke.)
@ceciliatan @annaleen somewhere, I once read an epic fan-poem about the torrid slashy romance between Dumbledore's bonnet + the Sorting Hat
Stuck in 3rd Avenue traffic. Who wants to hang out with me and a small boy in the city tomorrow?
Stuck on the runway en route to NYC, scraping my iPhone for comics images... I've got the Wednesday junkie twitch. How'd it come to this?
@graemem @outbox Welcome home! Looking forward to being in the same city as you folks.
Why is it so much easier to get work done in Fireside Lounge's back room, with its pseudo-Thomas Kinkade The Painter of Light mini-mural?
Just mailed out subscribers' copies of two new Dark Beloved Cloud Singles Club EPs: Fly Ashtray and Grace Braun!
Amazing song linked off : Franco's "AZDA"--heard by European fans as a love song, actually an ad for a VW dealership
My latest million-dollar idea, gratis: a credit-card-style multitool that includes a little USB stick.
@2muchexposition this just redoubles my conviction that you need to see "The Apple" with me--it's convinced it's saying something DEEP
@quirkybird I'll probably be at most of them, and will be happy to provide sanity reinforcement.
@rstevens ultimate post-apocalyptic vegetarian nom bucket --I love how it uses "cacciatore" and "ala king" as nouns
@laurennmcc oh see I wondered for a second if you were referring to DAN Savage. Actually, I'd love to hear the two of them battle it out
Blessings to whoever figured out that raspberries and chipotles taste great together. Back-pat to myself for putting them on oatmeal.
My friend Ida just sold her novel to Knopf. Officially the last book that will ever be acquired by the U.S. publishing industry, I believe.
@graemem Cosmic Monkey! Floating World! I hear Guapo is good too. For back issues, Excalibur.
Given my '07 EMP paper, how did nobody tell me a Clydie King CD came out a year ago? Her Imperial/Minit singles & demos, mid-late '60s.


Xeni Jardin Yoz maura Mike Kuniavsky Anil Dash jessamyn west Melissa Gira Grant Rachel Kramer Bussel Joshua Green Allen rstevens Annalee Newitz Leah Papernick Bruce Sterling Elizabeth Goodman Rhodri Marsden Sarah Glidden Michael Evans Candace McNaughton Erin McKean Leo Dirac Heidi MacDonald amoeda Kerry Bully Laurenn McCubbin Mugs Audacia Ray Kate Mercier Katherine Farmar Dafna lauren Christine Norrie ceciliatan MTS Mer KevinMacDonald