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Nothing like going to see a vendor's green technology demo near an airport and 45 minutes walk from the nearest public transport
Woah! Slideshare supports Keynote presentations
@tbush Netbooks - standard advice: wait until after Christmas - touchscreen ones are threatened in 1st quarter
@kulor Croydon, no. Lewisham. You're not unfortunate enough to live in Croydon?
Overheard on the (overly-busy) train. "That man has got the cheek to look at me, like look at me right in the face." At full shout.
Great lunch/meeting with Mick and @tbush. Always good to see the ULCC folks
Got some M&S "connoisseur" mince pies: a little bit too much pie and not enough mince, shame as the overall taste is pretty good
@devilgate these days I measure the days of the week by how tired I am. If I can think, it can't be Friday
@fstoner Tazo: think I saw it in Waitrose. Will try to remember to have a look. Dragonfly roibos chai is also very nice
It is absolutely unbearable using Windows after any other operating system. How did it get so bad?
@fstoner Freed drinks? Always good. :)
Train is crawling along. Wrong kind of rain again?
@fstoner what is a princess royal in any case? Sounds like a 1970s car from British Leyland!
Once again not out the door till 15.00. How did I fritter away the day?
@fstoner Hey - free food! Never knock it :) Lots of interesting stuff. Sorry we didn't have time to talk
Hey! The bus talks these days with the voice of our fembotic overlady
@fstoner Is Twitter Mimesweeper for the noughties? Enjoy the dancing btw!
Usually don't take the 314 at this time. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised it's full of exuberant yoof
@BLE1 All roads appear to lead to Aston


Ian Forrester Sandy Tim Cowlishaw Lance Wicks tomchandler Tom Abbott Adriaan Tijsseling Chris May P. K. Tim Bush James Clay Dopplr Shirley Williams Martin McCallion Andy Powell Digital Natives James Broad Sarah Sherman EditGrid kwhittlestone Frank Steiner Michael Webb bkkeepr Phil Range Pauline Randall cliffano Jonathan Warner