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@sssemester Agreed....nice event at St. Lukes 2night. Stephen Ministry Christmas party. GREAT 2 c u in person!
@bentleytolk Good job! Is the firm good at marketing planning overall?
My turn......goodnight all my wonderful Twitter friends! Missed you most of the day, but happy to catch up a bit tonight! :-)
Maybe it's time for bed? RT @heathermilligan: Feel the whole itchie throat thing happening. Think I'll ignore it and hope it goes away.
@roundpeg G'night Lorraine!
@melby_az Here it is: Great example for everyone to use as inspiration for their own. Intel's new social media policy
@melby_az Here it is: Great example for everyone to use as inspirtion for their own. Intel's new social media policy
@vpynchon Good Night! Sleep peacefully..... :-)
RT @WTHRcom: On United Christmas Service needs $200,000: Due 2 higher demand in a tough economy, a loc..
Thanks! :-) RT @einspruch: @nancymyrland Tweetdeck runs automatic updates. This chews them up. You can tweak this in your settings.
I hope you all had a good day today, & an even better one tomorrow! Don't forget to smile and say hello to people you pass by, okay? :-)
What am I doing wrong when Twitter tells me "Rate Limit Exceeded....can't make more than 100 requests an hour." I haven't made that many!
Is it just me, or does everyone think the ongoing Mike Singletary shtick on Letterman is NOT in the least bit funny?
@melby_az I'm sure new ad concept will be approved with flying colors! ;-)
Aren't they wonderful at that age? So wise, kind-hearted, loving? :-) RT @Riskin: @nancymyrland Hey "Claire" thanks you !!
You know, you have Target all to yourself at this time of night.
@kevinokeefe Agreed, I just wanted to make sure I read you correctly. How's everything?
Agreed-hit and miss. RT @roundpeg: @nancymyrland if they don't spend money on segmentation, they r simply wasting money spent on marketing
@roundpeg Agree...customer segementation has always been the key. It's just that companies and firms didn't want to spend the money.
@kevinokeefe Hi Kevin-- Re WSJ article: Do you mean an MBA is not needed?


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