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@joshuamneff sweet! and so cool, i spent my semester abroad at uea, his alma mater
@joshuamneff i'm hearing tell it's a bloke named matt working on digging up imdb profile as there are a lot of matt smiths
Red swinglines @ office max for 19.99
@dpeterfreund i did that when it was in chicago, so i understand!
@angelajames not cranky at all...this is one of the few places i don't friends lock everything, and i am very aware of that fact
@djs72 probably for the same reason there are no bakeries, that i'm aware of, outside of grocery stores on this side of the river
oh, bummer! suzanne simmons aka elizabeth guest died this week...i've loved her books for years
rwa peeps...i just noticed conference & hotel registration opens later this month...anyone looking for a roomie?
okay, need some brekkie and then on to errands...after that, more weeding of the personal library
@bookthirty i enjoyed it :D and while i do think "welcome to the jungle" should be in top 10, if not top 5, i'm surprised it was #1
@djs72 um, if you go to the krispy kreme, you will find chick-fil-a. kk closed almost a year ago
@littleangelkiss i'm not moved yet...i can get the keys to the new place on the 14th and will spend rest of the month moving
a glimpse as to why i need as many suggestions as possible for book moving containers:
@perfectlypoised i'd rather hear the coughing than the other "heavy breathing" activity i often hear ;)
you know the walls are thin when you can hear your neighbor coughing
time flies as i watch the marathon of "100 greatest hard rock songs" currently up: europe's "the final countdown'


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