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Heading into Springfield with dad
In Springfield shopping
Says early in st louis
Good night last post online til we get past MONTH cell service black hole
Cab driver surprised to get tip. Gave him 30 on 23 fareM
Enjoying a snowless snow day. Icy patches outside.
THat's it. I am switching internet to att and goign to dish. You can't make it easy on me when I am sick I have had it.
I hate comcast. THe idiots make you enter your phone number 3 flipping times
I just joined the catholic Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@DJazzycool1 But it is in the forecast. And its not snow its ice
@djazzycool1 Hey! I haven't seen you in a while!
Looks like wintery precip tomorrow evening.
now starting bones season 3
just finished up numbers season 4.
@Mosqueda hope you get to spend it here. Have any latest pics of Rocky?
@mosqueda The campus closes as of the 22 but I am leaving this Wed. evening to go see my dad.
@mosqueda Hey Kiddo! How are you doing?
Trying to get rid of this chest cold ugh.
Watching Its a Wonderful Life. Now its Christmas season.


George Leite Jim Long CNN Breaking News Connie Reece Melissa Maples Mr. Balcom dawn parker Karen Cardoza Marc Denise Inglis Paul Camarata Lance Turner J Cleveland Payne Roderick Vonhögen Greg Willits Brandi Jennifer Willits Seraphim Beshoner Jasmine Phong Rob Williams Jeff Nielsen Rich Inge Bob Catholic Mary Mackenzie Greg Keuter Susan Bailey Wall Street Journal Angela Pereira Lori Fr. Bill Kessler Deborah Schaben Susan Reynolds Graham Hancock Derek Russell
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