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ERT @jayrosen_nyu (rant on media vs Twitter): "Twitter: Menace or Threat?" by @xarker, he wanted to say to CJR last week.
RT: @MacDivaONA: The hed made me read it: "A tech journalist's unexpected path to freelance"
@Carnage4Life interesting post on Facebook Connect vs. Google Friend Connect (vs. OpenID), thanks @SocialMedian
ERT: @jdlasica just heard on good authority that John Seely Brown, former head of Xerox PARC, is leading candidate to be Obama Admin CTO
Yay Eagles! Two good games in a row, they upset the defending champ Giants, may be some life left after all.
Friggin' Iggles...coulda been 13-0 over Giants, but a blocked FG run back for a TD and it's 10-7 instead, at halftime.
Setting up Christmas tree...all the lights still work! Now shaping it, making ready for ornaments.
@davewiner interesting, insightful piece: "Here's how the tech industry cycle goes." Thanks to @jayrosen_nyu @Om 4 link
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
After great, wide-ranging Obama interview, Brokaw stepping down from Meet the Press, introducing David Gregory as the new host. Good luck!
Barack Obama on Meet the Press, sole guest, hour-long interview by Tom Brokaw. On now.
Been catching Django Haskins (named for Reinhardt, really) for years, solo @ Deej, bfly w/ International Orange, now fronting TOC, genius.
The Old Ceremony (Chapel Hill NC) totally rocks, as Django shreds on a classic...cabarets, power-pops, great. Big fan from beginning!
Modern Skirts (Athens, GA) - some may say "limp-wristed" but methinks cool, poppy, some Beatles/Beck/Ben Folds/Robyn H, perfect TOC opener.
Now watching Modern Skirts, who've been opening 4 The Old Ceremony; pretty cool
Out catching music @ IOTA but driving is kinda treacherous - definitely avoid I-70 if u can
@corykey time for a second monitor!
RT @Twitter (2:04 PM): Public_Citizen: ... keep phthalates and lead out of toys and children's products. Vote
Snowing in DC! Goin' out 2nite to see friend bands The Old Ceremony & Kid Goat @ IOTA in Arlington.
Went 2 5-yr-old birthday party 4 daughter's classmate @ Strike Bethesda. No repeat of my recent 196, just eatin' & drinkin' w/ other 'rents.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest veen Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh adam Jose Arocha Scott Beale Kurt Thomas Vander Wal Antonio Edward Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jake Shapiro George Brett Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz nakedjen Zack Rosen Justine Brian Russell
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