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@psmith With you in frozen-fingered solidarity
Why have my Twhirl menus all turned Japanese?
So that's Coda, CSSEdit and Komodo Edit (mac-based html/css editors). Thanks to all who've recommended so far - any others?
Can anyone recommend a good html/CSS editor with a good debug function for Mac OSX (NOT Dreamweaver!) please?
@PeteratSkype Suggest you tell your accountants to come up with a better system if Skype is going to be taken seriously as a business tool
@psmith I would have thought a trip to the supermarket would have been a good excuse to get out of the house!
Oh yes, Skype. That lovely company that simply swallows up your credit if you don't use any of it over a certain amount of time.
All you need to know about Clangers here -
Join the Twitter group for online journalists - - please re-tweet
...The Clangers being diametrically opposed to everything the Wombles stood for.
In my first year at school, some do-gooders formed a group called the Wombles to "clean up the playground". I joined the Clangers
Wondering how many Tom & Jerry cartoons a sick seven year-old can take before turning violent
@psmith Except, perhaps, that it's a transferable skill
iPhone has gone pay-as-you-go then. Just need to break the O2 monopoly now
@charlesarthur 'Amazingly useful' is spot on. But many a brilliant journalist has managed quite well without shorthand
@charlesarthur @martinstabe @paulmcnally Let's sack all the journalists without shorthand skills then and see what we've got left


Jason Calacanis Giles Turnbull Jim Long Ian Forrester David Stone Chris V alanconnor David Black Antony irina slutsky Mike Butcher Lloyd Shepherd Neil McIntosh Nico Macdonald Graham Holliday Sam Sethi Adam Tinworth Josh Lucas Deirdre Andy Roberts Pete Ashton Ian Fenn Mr Anderson Robert Andrews Suw Martin Stabe Tim Bradshaw bethsy Robin Wauters Tris Hussey Mark Friesen Ewan McIntosh Twitterrific Cybersoc
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