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@randymatheson You mean like coffee in a Jena Jameson mug or something?
@rycaut tnx. This year has suuuucked. srsly.
*sigh* kid #1 sick with a virus; seems to have given it to me. No one having fun; n o work getting done.
@heathr Fucked up? Naaaah... it's the floor show.
drat.. sucked into multitasking on two projects. One Ruby, the other Cocoa. Oddly Ruby doesn't grok Objective-C syntax.
@SeoxyS Or you could set it off in such a way that its obvious what you mean (like centered 1 or 2 lines under "The password is: " )
@randymatheson doh! They all merge into on great big gig in the sky after a while :)
@randymatheson "Us and Them" from Dark Side of the Moon, IIRC
@SeoxyS outside the parens if its part of the sentence
Great round up of 2008's Marketing Miscues:
@hadashi What do you want from terms made up by marketing people?
@burke_eric They go well with "Grocer's Quotes" I.e. "SALE!" "3" for a "DOLLAR"!!
Time for more hot coffee and to spend some quality time with Interface Builder. Nerdvana!
Cold nasty wet horrid weather here on the east coast. Can it be spring now?
I'd sue my parents. seriously. Putz goes to Mets in 3-team trade with Indians
@hadashi yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks :\
in RegEx hell
"tattoo regret" comes to physics:
Joy of Tech: LOL so true, so true
oy-vey: 1:40AM ET? ...time for me to pumpkin!


Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook davegray heathergold Jerry Michalski Buzz Andersen danah boyd Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Ross om peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Emily Davidow Dave Winer Jason Calacanis GregElin Susan Scrupski Caterina Scott Hussein Rafer Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti Reid Hoffman Meg Hourihan Brian Solis Tantek Çelik debs Karen O'Brien Yoz Howard Greenstein Robert Scoble Christopher Locke Alex Payne Nancy White
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