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@isabelkallman Thanks Isabel! Savoring every drop of the delicious caffeine nectar of the gods. Toasting to Dad w/ venti goodness.
Dad came through procedure beautifully! Thanks for all the well wishes. Off to Starbucks for a break.
@mamitamala thank you for your well wishes. I appreciate it.
@JayMonster Bless you for both coffee wishes and health wishes. Thanks.
Nurse: Can I get you any coffee? Me: *sob sob sob* Nurse: Maybe no coffee for you right now, dear. Me: *sniffle*
The waiting...oh the waiting takes forever. I am so ready to just SEE my Daddy safe and fine.
@iamdebra your kindness means so much. Thanks for your support!
@dallasprguy thank you. I appreciate it a lot.
Really could use a Starbucks. Waiting room coffee should be illegal! And a donut would be nice too. Thankyouverymuch.
Sitting in hospital waiting for Dad's heart procedure to be over. Praying all goes well. Probably had too much coffee already.
@KiddKraddick It's about time, my friend. Glad to see you all (ahem) here.
@PunditMom You know my number. Call if you need to talk. Gah. I want to be the kid again. All innocent and with no responsibilities. ;-)
Getting ready to drive to Houston. Dad going into the hospital. Big fun. Gotta love the sandwich generation! (Hate leaving family at home.)
@Kimberle I have been there and it is SO hard. Thinking of you. Call if you need support. Same stupid boat together. Sadly.
Tons of items on my to-do list. So? The school calls for me to pick up a puking kid. Suddenly to-do list shortens to taking care of kiddo.
Today I officially have TWO teenagers. Someone hold me. TWO teenage boys. How when I am still in my early 20's. Right? RIGHT?!
@Busymom I think it is time for you to go drink some coffee and eat some toffee. I'm just sayin'
Such a busy PTA day. I am considering going back to see @dallasprguy and @pennylane14 instead. They're fun & rock. Plus coffee & donuts. :)
@jpippert Too true! Make mama happy or all will suffer! Mwahaha. Such power! Actually, today has been so good I will save the whine.
Pondering how to convince my family they want me to curl up with a good book while they wait on me hand & foot.


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