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Great now my laptop
Stupid wireless hates me tonight. I hate when I have connectivity issues = lost productivity
@davidalston rocks, if you're not following him then make sure you do...and while you're at it, follow @radian6 :)
30 secs away from start of #smblitz with @davidalston
Headed home since I'm sure traffic is going to suck and I need to get set up for #smblitz with @davidalston :)
@chrisbrogan sounds like a fun night of travel ahead...also sounds like you could use a beer :)
@Lgrun gotcha, that makes sense
@Lgrun I was just thinking, have you thought of looking into doing a Facebook app for the site as well? another way for students to interact
Ahhh, now I'm getting DMs which I've already received earlier today :(
@tkpleslie @Bluewolf2072 hmmm I wonder if then that means that I may not be getting some DMs that might've been sent :-/
Don't forget to sign up for tonight's Social Media Blitz teleseminar w/@davidalston at 6p -
Noticing that Twitter isn't sending me an email for DMs today...anyone else having similar issues?
@chrisbrogan the Walmart promotion looks eerily similar to the Kmart one that you were just a part of...wonder if they saw idea worked
@abdinoor I love Chrome but for some reason it's been acting buggy...or at least was last week
I'm using twhirl bc though I prefer tweetdeck but it slows my PC system too much #t4bducttape
@just_kate I use Constant Contact...pricing is very reasonable
@Bluewolf2072 don't like safari for windows and I need a Mac :(
Hmmm, Firefox keeps locking up today...boooo
I am sooo tired today! I bet the cold rain and the long and fun day in Boston yesterday doesn't help :)
This is an excellent post by @cspenn on the soul of marketing -


Biz Stone Evan Williams Ross om Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Gene Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Russ Thornton Jennifer Woodard M Justine Megan McCarthy Dean Landsman Chris Brogan julien drew olanoff John Federico Chris Marsden Beth Kanter John Wall Dan York Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Zadi Diaz Pat Brian Solis Antonio Altamirano Karen O'Brien Nater Kane  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Howard Greenstein
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