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SDTechGirl - Jerry let's the cat out of the bag
RT @chrisbrogan From Cake Wrecks - Wedding Wrecks - (OMG this site has me laughing so hard!)
@Rumford You're in Solana Beach?!?! I just moved from there to PB 3 months ago. Love it up there. :)
@Rumford the sunsets have been pretty the last couple of nights, probably due to the rain clearing the atmosphere?
@ibyka your little persian kitty looks like he's mad at you. Did you wake him to take that photo? ;) - Balboa headed into PB sunset
@SDMike Whatta ya mean? I can steer with my left, shift with my right & take photos with errr ummm & text with a hmmm, yeah....its magic ;) - Rollin in the Mustang, Pacific Beach on the bay
@zenchaos ecofont? Now that's just silly.
@empirebetty aren't you having a nice day! ;)
Here's the reason Kanye West sounded like crap on they didn't have his auto tune on.
@ibyka he's a handsome boy! He looks big! - Calit2 Guitar Hero - a sure sign of why engineers shouldn't drink - Calit2 "Winter Wonderland" Holiday Party
@empirebetty Congrats! what kind of project? Is it something you can twitpic?
@zenchaos I'm doing my best kitty whispering on her...this is a tough case, but she's coming over to my side
@ibyka Thanks, that's Nikita...she's a Bengal and she's waaaay too smart.
@zenchaos you know her better than I....I saw her there acting all sweet and innocent, am I being played??? - @empirebetty I love that you recognized the Starbucks ornament. You're an addict to eh?


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