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@sptrobb Ok I'm sure that @JillKoenig @annkeelerevans would like that one better BHAG? and it's even in Wikipedia
If you are wondering what a BAG is...It's a "Bold and Audacious Goal" and @JillKoening knows about GOALS!
The one thing we like about @JillKoenig is she knows how to use a BAG to her advance.
@JillKoenig: Follow @Pat_Lorna Love their presentations, warm souls=>Thanks for noticing. And we would request our followers to follow Jill
@EdLovesSumo did you find an accountability partner yet for #tss?
@Pat_Lorna we are also humbly requesting assistance or suggestions. We made it easy too => http://PatAndLornaOnTwitter...
@EdLovesSumo we are currently at 4342 great followers, we are requesting to reach 5k for this nice warm fleece jacket =>
@EdLovesSumo @EzineArticles: @Pat_Lorna says that every Twitter/EzineArticles member with 5,000 followers should get an E/Z Fleece jacket.
@AmySchildknecht we are based in Edmonton, AB, Canada
@GoldCanyonTami It's more colder up north and besides with your electric underwear turned on => magic happens ;)
from a dm -13??? Wow, now THAT's cold. In Vegas it's in the 30's at night now and I'm complaining. I'll stop now! - thank you.
Just so @EzineArticles understands that it's currently (-23c/-10f) and with the wind chill (-33c/-27f) so we could u/ the warm fuzzzy jacket
we need 737 more followers before Dec 31/08 to get a nice warm @EzineArticles fleece jacket =>
we are in 7th and 8th place (Ok, our tweets are together, are articles aren't) and we currently have 4,263 followers
so currently there are only 5 people that have more that 5k of followers over at => http://twitter.ezinearticle...
RT @EzineArticles: @Pat_Lorna says that every Twitter/EzineArticles member with 5,000 followers should get an EzineArticle Fleece jacket.
@rorystern thanks for noticing how Spectacular they are. And it's great to have Spectacular tweeter friends too #tss


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