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Win: If you're into Photoshop, we now have (via @guykawasaki)
HoooOooly sno-nads, Batman! It's freakin' COLD out there.
@hidama Haha, yeah. INSPIRATIONAL negativity. I should be a life coach.
ROFL...supposed to be a DM. Haha...I suck.
My shot of the day is total photographer techno geek heaven:
@highheels So....chicks dig guys who wear high heels. Got it.
OK, I'm now following @highheels on Twitter. "Why," you ask? Well, I just don't have a good answer for that yet. I'll get back to you.
Safe at the studio now. Ambulance just went by. Probably some asshole tweeting and driving on I-80.
@vbportraits Not putting the tweets on, but I did just add a follow link to my homepage. Time for a little self-censorship, perhaps.
@hidama Haha. Classy in the Ron Burgundy sense, maybe.
Made it in to the Java House. Just realized I was drinking my macchiato with my pinky raised. W.T.F.
Ha! Shitty day for live nativity scene! Baby Jeebus gettin' some gold, frankincense, and HAIL.
Icy roads make it harder to tweet and drive.
Iowa weather should get a job as a hooker. It really knows how to suck. assumes 30 seconds per tweet. But my finely-crafted tweets take way longer, so that site is useless to me.
Wife is happy b/c the amount her mom owes her for presents for my kids equalled what she owed mom for presents for her bro. I. Hate. Xmas.
@guykawasaki OK I did a lot of crazy shit as a teen. But that is truly perplexing.
YaY for David Gregory! I'm really glad I don't have to listen to Brokaw on Sunday mornings anymore
@astrospace 5000th follower? Don't even try to tell me there isn't a substantial cash prize to accompany that honor


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