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Installed Caffeine while Backblaze does it's initial backup. I should have done this 2 days ago.
@sjhilbel Love the Wii!! Whats your fav game?
Making cookies and eating the batter. Yum.
Enjoying the day off. :)
Listening to Alvin and The Chipmunks: The Christmas Song on YouTube
Nearly missed lunch. Man time flies.
Looking for restaurant recommendations in the Minneapolis or west metro area. Not to fancy, but not fast food. Something nice for a b-day.
Wordpress 2.7 is out! I have some upgrading to do.
RT @cafn8ed Tweet and Retweet went down to the river to swim. Tweet fell in, so who was left?
Drinking a mint hot cocoa with a candy cane in it. Mmmm tasty
@brantw BillPay via online baking works for me for most all bills
I wrap like a white guy. :)
@anjrued I still like Plurk, but not on it as much as I use to be.
Got so much shopping done tonight. Now to wrap.
Why is my domain listed as a top referrer in google analytics?
Co-Workers are reciting lines from Home Alone. I haven't see that in years so I'm missing out on the fun.


Chris Prakoso Bill Palmer Hickensian Ethan Giffin giovanni Glen arvindnatarajan Jamie Thingelstad dave Twitterrific Stephan Greg Swan Adam Lasnik David Erickson Andy Beard Andrew Dobrow Lee Odden Liana 'Li' Evans Brian Kalma Kevin Gibbons Audrey Seiberling Michael Bruder Mike Yanke Todd M Michael Janssen maczot Firefox Sean Scott Adam Jochum Julio Ojeda-Zapata Dan Knutson The Bachelor Guy Jon Phillips Ryan Evans enSue David Brewer
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