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Back in Indianapolis. Tired and feeling a bit off. Taking the day off from training, top of my feet have been bugging me on long runs.
At the Westchester airport, headed back to Indianapolis.
Ran 13 miles in Ridgefield, CT with my brother Wes for my #dailyendurance
In the Westchester Airport, waititng for everyone else to get here.
At the Atlanta airport hanging out with Wes.
IND -> ATL -> HPN. The new Indianapolis airport is pretty nice.
Packed for the weekend. Recommendations for runs in southwest Connecticut?
Blake is heading to the gym then packing for Connecticut.
Short 3 mile run then yoga. Need to pack for my trip to Connecticut this weekend. I hate doing laundry.
the irony of this dude wearing a livestrong bracelet while smoking a cig is just too much
got in another 7 mile run plus some weight lifting. The Huff 50k cometh.
ugh. it's too early to be up. about to run for an hour.
Got in a lift and a run. Doing some more reviews.
Blake is doing quarterly reviews all week.
Blake is practicing mindfulness.
my dawn. 8 degree, snowy run yesterday
Blake is at the Pacers game. Sweet seats.
9 mile trail run in 15 degree weather in the snow. Now watching Punisher: War Zone.
Blake is going to dinner and a movie.


Da Mystik Homeboy Jeff Barr Werner Vogels Brian McNitt Kevin Cawley Michael Cockrill David Hosei wonderhamster rms Brad Hefta-Gaub iMULTISPORT Reuven Cohen smithna21 jtmatheny Miles Z. Sterrett UltraRob TeamSlipstream dierken texafornia bobzimuta tridaddy Rich Kelly@Interbike kelownagurl Athlete Training TriathleteMag nikeplus CoachAdam Jetpack TriBoomer tricara The_Bigun usatriathlon TIME SPORT USA Tiny Buddha Beginner Triathlete