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@nikkiitaly lol, don't they have (free) crack, and weed, delivery in Italy (or is it a particularly American thing =)
@jimkukral recession, what recession?!
having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit because not many home in Galveston have decorations/lights up(
"Crack Cocaine Delivery Service in Galveston":
@sarrabee you too? I've been trying to get into Facebook for the past 15 minutes (hell, they don't even give u a Fail Whale)
wondering if someone will be (illegally) broadcasting the Holyfield fight tonight (like they broadcast the de la Hoya fight) on the 'net
trying, unsuccessfully, to log in to Facebook =(
@femainfocus thanks, the woman was Vietnamese, I couldn't understand her exact story
talking to a lady in Galveston who lost her (mobile) home, and hasn't gotten any help from FEMA (she's homeless for 3 months now)
has a job interview lined up in Houston (but is now having second thoughts about leaving Galveston)
@Ben_Parr TechCrunch uses Facebook Connect for commenting on posts, also uses it
"Facebook Connect Gives Digital Marketers Huge Opportunity in 2009":
@wyldtek re "how dumb is Galveston"....pretty damn dumb, imho
r/t from @ChiefHava: Great story on Galveston Mayor:
@dacort I have u got?!
@dbfulton sometimes Twitter bots are helpful, imho, see @Ikefeed for an example
"Twitter needs a better policy on usernames":
audioblogging on "Using Social Media to Travel":
@ariherzog ah, that (I'll never use Facebook Connect) is what they all say...let's see how u feel next month/year =)


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