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here is my list of the top 10 reasons to follow someone on twitter, add yours to the comment section,
@jilliancyork you write for huff right? did you read the articles i linked to? what are your thoughts?
@kwbridge maybe u should drop them a line :)
@kwbridge ya it is, they need some of your design wizardry
@jilliancyork ya, it's a good think we can count on the huffington post to steal content while traditional media suffers, way to go
huffington post is just copying content and linking back to the source to get the search engine rankings/traffic/seo value
here are three posts about Huffington stealing content
huffington post post stealing content from other sources and publishing as their own, link coming in a sec
i have lost all respect for the huffington post
just saw "yes man" it was... just ok
has anyone seen 4 chirstmases or day the earth stood still? which one would you recommend?
what are some of your top reasons for why you would follow someone on twitter?
@againer ya, guess we'll find out
@jljohansen haha ya terminator will never go away, then again the are also remaking the frida the 13th films
wow the new terminator movie with christian bale looks prett bad ass
@MatthewRay ya, still interesting article though
will the recession kill web 2.0?


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