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Wife called to inform me there's a tree on the roof and she needs help. Fortunately, it's her car's roof and it's a Christmas tree.
@steverubel is proving once again that information wants to be full-text.
I was trying to think who Rod Blagojevich (Jann Wenner? John Travolta?) looks like so I googled "Blagojevich looks like" -
There's a first time for everything - A spamy tweet encouraging Diggs of my blog post :Top 10 Stories About Flying Cars -
A fraud that generated $50 billion in loses (that's billion w/ a B) = sounds beyond astounding - NYTimes:
A blog post that took me a year to write - 2008's Top Ten Stories About Flying Cars -
I conducted previous research on whether giving away money makes me happy. Doesn't. At least, not if AIG, Citi et al are the recipients.
I'm considering seeking a $10 million grant to research if $10 million can make me happy. I figure the grant will at least get me started.
@BeckyMcCray Thnx for RTing my request for people to join the Friend Connect thing on OK - I'll stop the pleading.
Favor request time. I've added Google's Friend Connect to and need some 'joiners.' Nice way to promote your face.
@BeckyMcCray - thanks for the whole answer in <140 characters.
I'm thinking of playing @jaxn 's pandora playlist via my iPhone's speaker from shirt pocket - spreading cheer.
@gfmorris, @BeckyMcCray, @rex, @unclespeedo - Thanks all for your help. See @rex 's tweet.
I'm being made cheerful by @jaxn 's Pandora playlist of Christmas music that doesn't suck.
A geeky Twitter question from a non-geek. Is there a way to generate an RSS feed of tweets I "star as "favorite"
Pain in the neck to cause pain in the ass to miss rest of season. (Pacman Jones update)
@jabancroft just passed the 10K tweet-mark.15K more and he'll catch up w/ @chrisbrogan ( )
@johnrobinson I can just hear people saying, OMG, you're just encouraging him. (P.S. I'm only funny at <140 characters.)
Gee, I see that @hammockinc has started tweeting. He (actually, in this case, she - @SummerH ) needs some followers.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell veen Hugh Roper danah boyd Mary Hodder Eric Costello Jason Cosper Wayne Sutton Ross Gordon Mack D. Male om Gavin Dave McClure Nick Douglas peterme Paul Thrasher enoch choi Michael Parekh Daniel Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Chip Hayner President Monteiro Myles Josh Bancroft Brian Brown (jeff)isageek Michael Buffington
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