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Enroute to Paris!
headed to birthday bash for @soulsurfer88
being quite productive, considering the circumstances
my last 72hrs: mexican cave diving -> coco bongo burlesque -> detained by customs -> sprinting to flight -> hidden luggage - ......
testing gogo inflight internet. 1Mb down, 300k up.
looking for an engineer to improve our ad platform. know anyone who might be interested?
getting back in the black
2 people have now told me they voted without having their IDs checked. makes me question the accuracy of this entire process...
SU Halloween-style!
in a state of flow... system designs emerging
At chaya with the parents
entering some uncharted waters...
Eating giant shrimp brains. Not my favorite
listening to rossknecht mix:
removing all constraints
Discussing twitter dynamics with @tferriss ... he might be right... 5 followers in 5 mins from one reference
arrived in NYC... here till friday afternoon!
Buying copious amounts of alcohol, chocolate and cheese


Evan Williams ariel Lars Josh Kopelman veen Chris Sacca Ross om Dave McClure Daniel Scott Beale Rob Hayes Aubrey Sabala Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters Sanford B joshua schachter Cameron Marlow amanda kelso Justine Megan McCarthy Veronica Belmont Brian Solis Tantek Çelik Leslie Chicoine Leonard Eddie Codel Ryan Carson Ryan King Aaron Patzer Kent hunterwalk jimbo wales Jared Kim