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So fun! Our office is transformed - a holiday celebration for our team - it's beautiful! HiDef is playing; can't wait for the festivities!
@mmanuel - I think a LinkedIn recommendation is an awesome substution for a holiday tin! Lower calorie, greener, lasting!
@grigs - Kudos on the call with the reporter! Let us know when we can read the article! :-)
I just heard we were in Promo magazine! See Skill, Will and Till section (its another Kellogg mention):
Today's funny - a referral from a law firm on a legal issue w/a search engine. We have lots of degrees around here, but none are JDs.
Getting ready for Donuts and Search Marketing this morning; discovered Voodoo Donuts:
@mysticbob - Perhaps you've discovered why so many Norwegian settlers (like my Great Granparents) wound up in MN and IA. :-) Gladelig Jul!
Sigh. Local Biz Pub has special sticker advertising "Company Going Bankrupt?" Even the advertising has gone negative.
Oh man - I just discovered the tin of cookies from our cleaning crew are *pineapple* sugar cookies! (We have a thing about pineapples here.)
Some moons must be in alignment.... Today we're #2 in Google for both internet marketing audit and online marketing audit. Wow.
It's dangerous that ERC has $2 lattes every day, but it does help when designing marketing plans to take over the world, right @resiegel? :)
Ack. And some certain other search engine is meddling with stuff they've been asked not to. It's a full time job keeping people honest!
Wow. Just got a lead who found us for the phrase "pay per click company" - turns out we're now in the #1 position in Google for that phrase!
Salesforcing this evening; prepping data for two-day Rockefeller Habits strategy session. We're almost a full year into it and loving it!
Crazy fun meetings yesterday and today - this is a great job! :-)
RT @a2karen: Splended table talks up Zingerman today. Podcast is available if missed it (Hey, Karen - got a link, please?! Tx!)
Confession: I prefer the kids show Total Drama Island to Survivor. The cartoon parody is far more entertaining; esp. the marshmallow finale.
@jowyang - hey, we beat you to that one; we've been batting around anti-social social media strategies for awhile now. ;-)
If you could read only ONE business publication (newsletter, blog, newspaper, magazine, etc.) what would it be?
@GBglass - I found carnivorous bunny slippers, monty python style, here:


Biz Stone Evan Williams Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Ross om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Rob Hayes Mike Carvalho Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Brett Keith Williams brady forrest Chaitanya Sagar Larry Smith Mike Manuel Justine l.m. orchard brian cors carlrc Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Becky McCray Robert French Doug Haslam John Infante Meg
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