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@gwenix Dude, that sucks. It's always sobering to realize that we're each one burst water pipe away from living like street urchins.
Overheard: the phrase, "Oh, I've seen your kitchen," spoken with an iteration that sounded unintentionally dirty.
@davidpryke In 1985, my parents bought me the Commodore 64 portable. That fucker weighed about 40 pounds and had a handle.
Two great sources for web video news: and
@gwenix Requited anger is better?
Am I the only person who, when hearing a child shout "no!", then listens for further signs that the child is playing & not being kidnapped?
@gwenix Shit. This explains why all my relationships e'splode.
@Bridget_NewGirl I waaaaait in this plaaaace where the sun never shines... waaaaait in this plaaace where the shadows run from themselves...
@gwenix Lesson? Arguments are good for business. :)
@crossmage Social media explorers are fine by me. That's what I am. I just take umbrage with prepubescent "experts" gaming the system.
@sjsonline Ahh, here's the missing link in our gaming history:
@sjsonline You and I may have been behind the gaming curve in '85. I still had a Colecovision until '87 or '88. We kids missed the biz wars.
Wow. If not for Teddy Ruxpin, we wouldn't have had Nintendo?
@gwenix Meanwhile, I just got a biz promo message from a Person with Sub-100 Followers, who's offered to teach ppl how to use Twitter. Rlly?
@gwenix Yes, but as someone who was once a top dog of chatlines, would you now offer your services as a high-priced media consultant?
@gwenix Also, when that underpopulated Twitter page takes me to a blog with an Alexa ranking in the 8-digit range, "expert" is a stretch. ;)
@gwenix No, but Twitter is one of the standard tools of social media. That's like a carpenter not using a hammer.
New rule: if you have under 100 followers on Twitter and you call yourself a "social media expert," then I can call myself an airplane.
YouTube's new policies, to make the world a safer, lamer place:
Rufus is loudly smorgasbording on his own junk in the hallway. (I should also mention that Rufus is a dog.)


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