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trying to keep warm. east coast is warmer than here today. doesn't help my unheated house was built in 1922 out of plywood and tissue paper,
Up in Hollywood for an art show of some sort
@jowyang a scary proposition. i feel like i know more about the dell guy than i do about my brother.
managed to pull my calf getting out of bed. hooray for a day of limping!
Getting a little late for Rock Band
Stuck in crazy traffic. Sigh.
trying to tweet by voice using vlingo
@richiestyles you are way too meta for me, champ
waking up to squirrels engaging in mating season activities on my roof. not a bad way to start your day, for them at least.
@baratunde hey, Jindal's handy to have around in case you need an exorcism performed
driving back down to LA tomorrow - going to see if i can get a bunch more work done tonight to make up for those 7 lost hours
very glad the sun's come out these past couple days in the Bay Area
@crayolaskies you are such a 12 year old girl
Fred Armisen's Barney Frank impression cracks me up.
In a Berkeley doctor's office with me grandma. Up next: lunch at Cactus.
Realized today that my fantasy team has won every weekend I've been in the Bay Area, and lost every weekend I've been down in LA. Hmm.
@THE_REAL_SHAQ Yo Shaq, you have a favorite football team?
haven't billed a single hour despite having worked all day... too bad it's never the opposite
Michael Phelps cameo on Entourage earns an LOL from me


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