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Turns out Palena really does make quite a tasty burger.
I ate a tonne of popcorn with truffle oil last night. AND I drank eggnog. I think this is how the Roman Empire collapsed. Totally worth it!
I bought some clementines! This weekend is the very best ever.
In honor of Mark Felt, and because it happens to be the movie I have out from Netflix, today I will watch All the President's Men.
Is there anything sadder than a child walking out of a church of scientology? Maybe an orphan kitten.
Trying to get all mission-critical work done so I can go home and get ready for a night filled with eggnog and bad decision-making.
Not tonight, SeamlessWeb. Not tonight.
Free cupcake at oranic-to-go. Today is awesome.
@twitbin it would be nice if you guys could figure out a way to deal with words longer than the sidebar is wide--it screws everything up.
How did the Hatch-Waxman Act invade my life? This is a disturbing and extremely unexpected development.
Sacrificing a latte to the god of work-free weekends. Please, oh leisurely one, ladle your unproductive bounty upon me.
Finally watched the final Wire episode. Gratified that--SPOILER ALERT--Prezbo grew a sweet beard. That aside... it ended how it had to.
The This American Life story about the Little Mermaid voicemail is so epic, it deserves its own Stuff White People Like post.
Why am I getting text message spam on my phone all of a sudden? This is a very disturbing development.
As per this email, our printer should be up and running in 30 minuets. I was hoping for waltzes but... office politics, what can you do?
@sprout728 you're a cat lady but you don't even have a cat. I think that makes it worse.
I think everyone I know is (or is training to become) a doctor, lawyer, or journalist. This can't end well for patients, clients, & readers.
This is some infuriating and horrible bullshit right here. A final "fuck you" from our lovely POTUS:
Having a ridiculously busy morning. So busy that it's already the afternoon.
@tsav It's just like Top Chef, except it's about Baltimore's criminal underworld and the police in charge of dealing with it. It's awesome.


John Gruber Rex Sorgatz Ben Tesch O. Frabjous Dey Joshua Green Allen Tom Lee Steven Frank Mathew Ingram Scott Simpson Catherine Andrews Jason Kottke Lore Sjöberg John Moe Adam Lisagor Lorenia Fake Steven Wright Daniel jmesa JetBlue Airways Ryan Ef Rodriguez CEO -Tony Magister Ludi Rob Pegoraro Mike Hussein Lee statetheobvious ooner untoward pdan tsav Tim Maly cnySrettiwT peterjevans Aimee Agee ryanqnorth drewbenne