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This would be a outcome of the fact that it's one of the most (deliberately) used browsers on multiple OSes, wouldn't it?
RT @informationweek: Firefox Leads List Of Most Vulnerable Apps
@MitchWagner What is this? InformationWeek's "Soft Aspects Of IT" week?
@MitchWagner At some point, a company WILL need blackguards to do the deeds that need doing. They can't ask for ethicals then.
@pavig Also: what have you done with @pavig, @jjacek!?
@pavig I see your NOTC, and raise you one Day Of The Tentacle.
@GaneshaXi it makes one worry about the OTHER deck I still have and plan to keep for another half-decade - will it appreciate?
@GaneshaXi I've sold a lot of it. one deck of DOAXVB poker cards I had fetched about US$400 on ebay, check just cleared.
@GaneshaXi While I'm doing this, you might want to watch the earlier episodes of EVE no Jikan at - it's awesome scifi.
@GaneshaXi Now figuring out what to pare out and throw on top of original trash :(
@GaneshaXi I'm okay, just on light painkillers and skin ointments. But half my moving fund has been wiped out by the medics.
Episode 3 of a very food-for-thought anime series up: EVE No Jikan
@isfullofcrap There's a level of epic WTF when one sees a TV going down the staircase... playing Rickroll... in Home beta.
@dizzybanjo a quote is an estimate, but if they're trying any serious changes, I suggest you contact your local financial ombudsman.
@GaneshaXi Grabbing toy car then getting dinner reprepared - I hate exploding stoves.
@MitchWagner Other things that Home enables: the ownership of menacing standees from out of great game campaigns of Killzone.
@MitchWagner This is apparently a very big deal because most RL TV sets are extremely expensive to replace, even with insurance.
@MitchWagner Home is a joke. a very big joke. But it allows people to throw TVs down staircases w/o damaging them.
@epredator it must be nice to have a dad with an innate understanding that sometimes the end forms up only at 11.58 on the clock.
@epredator He has a point though, how much cleaner would a world that used more virtual means of collaboration and communication be?


Robert Scoble Aimee Weber Shockwave Ian Hughes qDot Mr. Crap Mariner Parody Ordinal Malaprop Baba pavig lok moo Money Mitch Wagner Wagner James Au Barney Boomslang Tateru Nino Spiderkitten kai Sachertorte Jacek Antonelli Zero Linden Meta Linden Kavi jurin juran dandellion Kimban Foamee Torley Erbo DreamHost Status Dizzy Banjo Pyrii Gwyneth Llewelyn BlueLinden RissaMaidstone Bret Treasure Eshi_Otawara Chadrick