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@BostonDave Ca va bien. What about you? I’ll be very pleased to have a discussion with you. I'll be available at your convenience for a call...
testing the last release of fotonaut and already 2 bugs found with one crash...
's testing the new release of fotonauts...already some nice enhancements and new features...Good job fotonauts team!!
's having a look on Microsoft Oxite
someone knows an open-source 3D Mind Mapping tool?an 3D XMind or a free Topiscape...Should suggest this to my R&D lab: a 3D Object= an idea
will follow leWeb in video streaming... Have to drink some double-shot expressos to keep eyes open during the night...9 is 3...
@BostonDave for the look, you mean before or after midnight ?
is remotely preparing his MAC for the OS 10.5.6 upgrade
A F-18 aircraft crashed on San Diego...
@KateBo lucky girl... let have a look on Metro : Riquet Underground line 7
just eat some Mauritius meal. Discovering food from another country is already an interesting trip
is testing XMInd on Win XP
is testing XMind on MAC OS
@KateBo I'll buy my NC Booger Mtn pine tree tomorrow morning...
having a look on TreeHouse plug-in for Solidworks and thinking it'll be awesome to have SW on MAC OS X.
's reading a post on RDP Win7
@Vinvin it just was I told you more than hour ago....
on smartphone WM6: cetwitter or TinyTwitter?


om BostonDave Robert Scoble Joi Ito Loic Le Meur John Dowdell Dave Troy Cedric Ingrand Barack Obama Jeff Clavier Ouriel Ohayon Carlos Diaz Christophe Lauer Richard Menneveux philippe MacRumorsLive Jacques Froissant Benjamin Gauthey Vanina Julien Tristan Nitot Herve Kabla Kevin Cawley LeWeb3 Loic Le Meur Jonathan Fusellier Na-Young Kwon Vinvin DidierB seesmic richardbranson Guy Kawasaki NowInStock wperes olg Jean-Marie Hullot