Dan Moren’s Favorites

John Moltz
Moltz Munchausen Syndrome by Praxis: when Klingons kill people just to get attention.
Aaron Vegh
aaronvegh @dmoren Approximately $6million. Adjusted from 1974 dollars: $27,713,384.01, according to Ouch.
Andy Ihnatko
Ihnatko Wanna hear how sophisticated piano roll tech had become? Listen to George Gershwin playing his own compositions:
John Moltz
Moltz About to take a short walk on a long pier at the recommendation of one of my dyslexic enemies.
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich If the headline "Obama breaks with former pastor" makes me picture them popping and locking, it doesn't mean I'm racist, just nostalgic.
Jacqui Cheng
ejacqui I like digg because it addresses a lot of hard-hitting issues, like "If Smurfs are 3 apples tall how do they fit into mushrooms?"
John Moltz
Moltz I dreamt someone stole my car. That's just great. Now I'm getting @dmoren's reruns.
John Moltz
Moltz I've noticed that Tweets are more likely to be favorited if they contain the word "fuck". Well, fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck fuck, you fuckers.
John Gruber
gruber Submitting Dan Moren for a Pulitzer prize.


Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Veronica Belmont Andrew Widdowson Collin Allen rands John Gruber Neven Mrgan teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Scott McNulty Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Rogue Amoeba Michael Gartenberg Macworld John Siracusa Amy Jane Gruber Fraser Speirs Brent Simmons Pat Nakajima John C. Welch Derik DeLong rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Jim Correia Dan Pourhadi Cyrus Farivar Thomas GvL Gus Mueller Scott Silverman Joel Johnson hotdogsladies Cris Pearson Aaron Freedman Jason Snell
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