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@elanavaron oh, and put a picture up :-)
enjoying aroma of baking - dozens of loaves of Swedish coffee bread (husband & daughter making), watching snow fall, lights on oleander tree
@elanavaron welcome to Twitter! 1st thing to do: follow interesting people - as many as you can (check out the people I & others follow)
rt @shashib Convert a Gmail Message into a Google Document [Gmail Labs]
@cosmicgirlndc same deal, though interesting tweets would counterbalance. nothing personal - I just lack bandwidth to follow everyone
@mocster thank you for the link!
it's not that I have anything against puppies or kittens. of course I think they're adorable. I just wouldn't put it in a profile.
checking out new followers from past month. finding I don't follow back ppl who describe as diva, gal, dude or love puppies, kittens. sorry!
trying out Microsoft's new Arc mouse. it's going to take a while to get used to its sensitivity
I really hope Macy's comes with that new bed today. All the mattresses in my mother's house are like 30 years old. Frugal New Englanders.
@Pistachio it's supposed to continue on and off all day today and tomorrow
@Lciarlone Irving W-B is a really smart and interesting guy. how's the book?
a small SUV just took out my parents' fence across the street at the bottom of the hill. failed to make the turn.
simple thing cos. cd do to retain customers. offer change-your-e-mail-address on newsletters, not just unsubscribe. can't believe how few do
@TriumphCIO thanks Mark - it's been a great ride!
just hauled the last boat (the lobster boat). now to get the ramp off the float before winter really sets in. the cove looks so empty.
@jstorerj nice. wish I had me one of those!
@eyemsusie I'm sure they will. And, actually, I'm taking my family to Roatan in March!
@chrislindquist you should take the Bolt Bus!
@jyarmis now that you mention it... !


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