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@Adriennevh if you get that to work, please let me know!! it's hard to back away from the twitter....back away from the twitter...beep beep!
just took some really cool photos of our Christmas tree & did some "light painting" experiments. I miss doing creative photography so much!!
@TonyWalla hey, u don't sound like ur in a bathroom stall anymore. good job! I need to adjust my mic but I also had allergies, 2 much breath
@TonyWalla OMG, we sound like a variety comedy show. it sounds like @DigitalFanGirl is cooking dinner & I'm breathing a little heavy ;)
@TonyWalla awww, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the intro!!! listening to it now. OMG, this sounds great! :) soooo excited!
@TonyWalla yep, that's what this is all about dude. we'll get there :) don't worry. Can't wait to listen to it!
@TonyWalla you ROCK Tony!! I am downloading it now!!! It's ALIVE! it's ALIVE!!!! Igor, brains Igor! Braaaaainsssss!!!
darn TalkShoe Pro is acting up again. grrrr!
@TonyWalla weird! WTH is that? and why would be RT that? bot?
@TonyWalla oh cool!! ok, sounds good. can't wait to hear it. I emailed u back. hope you're feelin less stressed about other stuff.
@TonyWalla probably because it's Corell. It's our "every day" pattern. LOL. gawd, now I sound all Martha Stewart. thanks.
@BonBonCupcakes I'll take that as a good sign. He put spicey salsa on it. tongue is burning a little ;)
@TonyWalla that would be cool. I've managed to get Tshirts so far, but gear & gadgets would be REALLY fun!
I am so spoiled. Hubby made a beautiful-looking nacho salad for dinner. wanna see?
@typicalmacuser looking forward to it! do you have to give it back when you're done? just curious.
@Mac_Trucker r u in the chat there? gonna check it out while eating dinner before Allison's show.
@TonyWalla catching up to you, Wal-E is on for the 3rd time here now. It's like background music now. ;)


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