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Trying out Casio Exilim FX-20 high-speed video. Really fun if you can get your kid to cooperate as a subject.
Wedding photographer on Canon 5D Mark II: Good but "HD video is incredibly, incredibly flawed" No aperture control.
@cckarl Thought there NY open-container laws would pretty much guarantee us the win. Oh, wait, you actually want to throw snowballs, too?
Anybody up for an early-afternoon beer in SF? Flash mob at Kate O'Brien's to counter flash-mob snowball fight in NYC.
I found my missing notebook! was under laptop. No wonder I couldn't see it even after cleaning desk. (I use the term "cleaning" advisedly)
All but 2 of SacBee's winter storm shots very wide-angle. Is that because telephotos don't work w/ too much snow?
Nikon D3X officially for sale:
Mr Chuckle's 5D2 video tip here, sorry:
Mr. Chuckles tip: Fool 5D Mark II into shooting shallow depth of field even when it's bright. (lame there has to be this awkward workaround)
But lame DPreview reasoning: "There's no telephoto to speak of, but if you want telephoto you're not going to be considering this camera."
DPreview puts Pany LX3 at top of high-end compact list, with Panasonic TZ5 and Canon PowerShot SX110 IS also ranking
Delicious top-10 search results for 2008 show social bookmarking not mainstream yet
Whoops, corrected link for Google's iPhone search update
Google further refines search results on iPhone
@planetMitch Glad to help. Next step on the 5D2 fix probably requires more patience.
Canon statement on 5D Mark II black dots, vertical banding: they're working on a fix.
@twleung I'm reserving judgement; Canon 5D Mark II black dots could be more easily fixed than 1D Mark III autofocus. Or not. We shall see.
Canon's response to 5D Mark II black dots: "currently investigating ways to improve and/or mitigate these phenomena."
@leggnet I'm getting a "dXcribe Error" for that Canon site. Can you copy-paste contents somewhere?
Oh dear. Corporate training for the new expense-reporting tool. If it needs training to use, it's going to be awful.


Dave McClure Brittany Bohnet Veronica Belmont Rev Dan Catt bernie photomatt Chris DiBona Jeff Barr Kevin Marks James Governor Jeremy Zawodny steve o'grady Thomas Hawk lane hartwell Michael Gartenberg Josh Andrew Mager John B. Roberts Joi Ito David Recordon Simon Phipps John Resig Peter Black John Lilly hobvias sudoneighm Raven Zachary Don MacAskill Rafe Needleman Rich Legg Michael Arrington Caroline marshallk CNET Miguel de Icaza Danny Sullivan Tom Callaway
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