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Back in Seattle after nice flight from Beijing. Hard to believe that it is just 1:15 in the afternoon - I've been up for a very long time.
(dang, scooped by my colleague @werner :-)
Amazon EC2 Crosses the Atlantic: .
Getting ready to leave Beijing after an intense week of meetings. Just one more thing to say first...
Amazon DevPay Graduates to General Availability: .
My hotel in China: .
Crazy day. Snuck out of conference to see Great Wall of China. Returned to learn about OpenCL. Subway to Beijing and dinner w/friends. Wow.
Slogging through 100 or so emails.
Getting ready for meetings and keynote presentation in Beijing. Brrrrr, it is cold here.
Arrived safe and sound in Beijing last night. Amazing place.
10 minutes from boarding Seattle to Beijing flight
Wrapped up the 15 most unpleasant minutes of the year -- getting the Christmas tree to stand straight up.
New Blog Post: Amazon SimpleDB Grows Up - . Open beta, new free level, and more. #aws rocks on!
Reviewing some blog posts. Part of a 17 item TODO list that must be done before I leave for Beijing tomorrow.
Exploring "Secret Sharing" protocol and implementation (ssss). Very good way to share info among family members.
#aws -> #ec2 -> Windows AMIs updated:
37 Signals moves Ta-Da List to Rails 2.2, Passenger, and EC2: . #aws FTW!
Paying American Express bill a bit ahead of time since I'll be in China when it is due.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Last few things in the office before heading out. Leaving for Beijing on Monday so need to close out all kinds of stuff.


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Jonathan Markwell Colin Schlüter Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Paul Terry Walhus adam Coty Rosenblath Scott Beale Buster McLeod Johan Denoyer Luciano E. Guerche Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Josh Bancroft palmsolo Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. joshua schachter James Andrews Benjamin Ian Sefferman Robert Brook randy stewart jon sofield brady forrest Chaitanya Sagar
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