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Excellent session in my favorite record store yielded a 1985 Kanda Bongo Man album. Soukous on vinyl. Yum.
Electric kora player in times square subway station. Prettiest electronica I've heard all year. A good way to start an NYC day.
Getting ready for my last speaking gig of the fall, with McLaughlin from Google at Mt. Holyoke college. Should be good fun.
@Katrinskaya Glad Ghana visa is easier to get than it used to be. I used to try to get 5 year ones so I didn't have to apply very often.
Ug. Despite scheduling only a few things in February, managed to double-book rather badly. I hate disappointing people.
I feel like such a wimp. Three hours of cutting timber and I need to stop for the day. May need a lumberjack workout DVD or something.
thanksgiving leftovers - udon in turkey broth with kale, butternut squash and smoked turkey. So much better than it sounds.
@xenijardin the squirrel cage post is lovely - thanks for sharing that. Could use a distributed, parallel cage today.
@mizmaggieb brining and smoking my turkeys as well. hope you've got less snow and an easier time lighting a fire than I've had...
#mumbai very thorough roundup on GV, including photos, tweets, blogs:
GV is covering the Mumbai situation closely - expect a special coverage page soon. In the meantime -
Thoughts are with everyone in Mumbai right now, hoping friends and their families are safe.
Both my phone and I are at about 10% power right now. Where is my USB port?
In a cheap Boston hotel, watching the Packers drive against the Saints. Not a bad way to spend a Monday night.
Ama is 9-2 at the Kyushu basho, going up against Hakuho tomorrow. Go Ama! (Yes, sumo has now invaded my twitter feed as well...)
Executed a complex Japanese dinner, which degenerated into a very fun YouTube party, with good friends.
missed train. All night cigar store across from train station. Now smoking a partagas. Victory.
Two morning meetings with very smart people. And now to Princeton, in the rain.
was pulling out my phone to post that silly tweet when I ran into biz stone in my hotel lobby. holy twitter coincidence, batman.
green papaya salad. one of the few things that nyc has that the berkshires doesn't. okay, one of the few things I care about.


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Xeni Jardin Saheli Datta Dylan Tweney Dave Winer GregElin Jake Shapiro Ahmed Al-Omran Ruby Sinreich Beth Kanter Andrea Mercado Daniel X. O'Neil Dina Robert Scoble ndesanjo bek frank Josh Benton jimbo wales Danny Isaac Mao Oz sj jessamyn west Eszter Ben Saunders DeWitt Boris sean coon Joi Ito Cyrus Farivar Loic Le Meur Liz Lawley David Sasaki Andrew Lih
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