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Kawaiiku #92: rising after noon/and the alchemy of brunch --/sunday morning-fu #haiku
@mimobot There is much to discover in the wilds of my head. Oh look, a penny! Wait... how did that get in here?
Kawaiiku #91: i want a ray gun/it will fix all my problems/one *zap* at a time #haiku
@mimobot I wish I was asleep. Unless I already am, and am suffering from "night twitters."
@patlewis That's one fancy schmancy Christmas you got going there.
New Kawaii Not: A take-out date!
@Buddy_Dharma Ooo... scientific AND delicious. Perfect.
@badgerbabe Hmm... the little cupcake wrapper makes the cupcake. I like the way you think.
@LeDiva Yes, a shrink ray! Brilliant!
@cybersanta Hooray! Thanks cybersanta!
I want a cupcake as big as my head. But then technically it would a whole cake at that point. So then I don't want it. A vicious circle.
What are my eyes doing at night that produces all this crust in the morning?! Maybe it involves secret crime fighting. With eye goop.
@robotnations AHHHH! Living caffeine!
Kawaiiku #90: personal physics:/i'm perpetual motion?/no... i'm entropy #haiku
New Kawaii Not: Ho Ho Ho My!
@mumble210 Hee hee! Now I'm blushing. XD
Kawaiiku #89: shake it sweet jello!/oh the delicious motion!/the dance at meal's end #haiku


Xeni Jardin Scott Yoshinaga kyubikitsy Nemu John Martz rstevens Paul Southworth Danielle Corsetto Michael Alonso Victoria Ho Carrie Lore Sjöberg Jonathan Coulton lisie Jesse Thorn Warren Ellis Adam Koford Bonnie Burton Lifehacker Pat Lewis jeph jacques Felicia Day Laura Jon Scrivens speakdaggers Spike Evan (CEO of mimoco) Leesa Steve Napierski anpan HuzzahGoods Chris M Ferguson annettle zeddified onestrangeway Kaylee T.