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@natala sorry to hear about cuba, she was a sweet dog.
a headlock is also called a "rear chancellery", but that sounds like it could be several very different things. (thx, wikipedia)
Dude at coffee shop is watching wrestling videos on his laptop. His girlfriend could clearly put him in a headlock (thats a thing right?).
@moniguzman i'm going to be in DC a couple days after anyways, so i'm considering, but haven't had luck getting the good tickets
party on broadway and pike was something. now we all (not just obama) have to work towards those high expectations of an obama presidency
"The man was carried away by emergency services, with the toilet still attached to his arm."
crab cake po'boy & bread pudding = delicious food coma from http://www.skilletstreetfoo...
@daveschappell there you go volunteering me for things again
@jeffjlin awesome. do you get any input on the arrangement?
@arjun make a scavenger hunt game. you have to find things and take a picture of them & upload. all judging is done by mturk!
Dim Sum at Jade Garden!
@daveschappell well said. I'm glad to see you're taking @arjun's advice about twitter-based performance reviews.
@billnordwall the magic of goldie's?
Great 20 minute TED talk on liberals vs conservatives:
@daveschappell he's the handsome and clever one, right?
wherever i've worked, the amount my workplace feels like a Dilbert cartoon has always peaked around performance review time
@billnordwall bring me an el presidente plz. or some cod tacos. or both.
I just accidentally spammed 70 text messages to each of my coworkers by not turning off monitoring software. Oops.
about to eat at chez panisse


Buster McLeod Matt M sameer Erin hotdogsladies Natala Menezes Barack Obama Dave Schappell Jason Kottke Bill Nordwall swissmiss Arjun Banker Monica Guzman Joseph Sunga danielle morrill mark eamer lingmann lauragibbons zefrank kierah davigoli vvork BeauJangles Whrrl MarsPhoenix Jim Cooley jeffjlin mark horoszowski SamNiccolls TeachStreet Harold Hing sasprea Jimmy Fallon annieee Foundry Interactive whoisbubba