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Counting down the gigs, 3 to go for 2008 - then, I, sleep!
- is sad to inform everyone that Oscar passed away at the weekend. RIP Little Bear.
- is sad to inform everyone that Oscar passed away at the weekend. RIP Little Bear.
Is on the world's slowest train!
- is upset someone has stolen his bounty out of the fridge.... And left a note, as a clue!
@filinsk haha! dary!.... i'm gonna use that one!
- should have quite possibly put some boxers on this morning.... It's a bit chilly!
@flawedangel that's illegal where I come from.... Tut tut!
- should quite possibly put some boxers on this morning.... It's a bit chilly!
New blog post: The Race Of Champions - Part Thirteen : Chris Hoy - The ROC - Part 13 : Chris Hoy
Alarm set for 06.30 - Out my bed at 06.32 - Out the house at 07.00... on a Sunday, why dear God, why?!
New blog post: The Race Of Champions - Part Twelve : Starting DC's F1 Car
Two Ford Focus WRC's out on the track.... The noise is defening! :-D
New blog post: The Race Of Champions - Part Eleven : Practice
Is slightly annoyed at the weather... And is slightly wet!
Is well chuffed they're making an eighth season of Scrubs - Season 8, January 2009