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Fleet Foxes. Conan. Tonight.
Picked up a ninety nine cent 35mm camera at Goodwill this evening. Take THAT Canon 5D MK II!
Anyone have experience with MailChimp for sending out email newsletters? Looking for pay-as-you-go, small list of people. DM me.
Here's a video of us photographers in Nashville gathering to take portraits for families
Just killed it on a photoshoot with @jasebeard. Oh yes.
It feels good to do something for others. A few of my favorites from today... http://www.bradleyspitzer.c...
Extra photo from today's portraits for families...
Photographed families and kids this afternoon in East Nashville with some good friends. Had an amazing time!
Made the final touches last night to my new photo website that will launch soon. Stay tuned.
At the doctor's office with Steph. MAGAZINES!
@benjaminh @davidbean Only the food photos, Ben. Only the food photos.
Watching some Hitchcock films.
One minor yet unfortunate part of having a pregnant wife: drastically reduced sushi consumption.
Catalogs! Woo! Coming to Macworld and CES in less than one month!
Spent the early morning hours prepping images for a new website. Unfortunately, I am now paying for this act.
I'm a horizontal shooting photographer.
Super productive day. Feelin' good.
@jeradburkhart Not my bday - Maris' and Michael's!


Lane Jason Dukes Seth W. Elke Von Freudenberg Jon Shell Jeremy Pinnix Richard Moross Ryan Carson Daniel Boud david Hugh MacLeod Jared Christensen Casey Dukes Joshua Blount B. Bonin Bough John Edwards Logickal Vu Bui Cam Tim Benzinger westerndave Kevin Rose Stella Kae David Cintron Casey Fleser Jonathan Eric Krueger Joe Kirk Nick Onken Dan Diemer Jim Renaud Naz Hamid Keegan Jones Dave Delaney elclinto Barack Obama
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