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I just joined the publicmedia Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@danielbachhuber Agreed to a point, but your tweet could also be read as a dock on investigative journalism.
I was born a few weeks after John Lennon died. Growing up I always fancied myself as John Lennon reincarnated. ... ♫
r/t @martindave @PRsarahevans Journs, bloggers media outlets on Twitter! Follow or contribute. It's our resource.
@greglinch id go with CAR stuff too. But beware of being a jack of all trades and a master of none!
@Natalie_joy thanks, and happy birthday to you!
@Paulbradshaw aw thanks! and thanks for introducing me to @mbites!
@mbites hey, we share the same birthday!
I am 28! Happy birthday to me and Baby Jesus! :) But before you wish me a happy birthday, read my blog post at THANKS!
If you have a spare buck or two, donate to Spot.Us or The Public Press and make tomorrow a really happy birthday:
@andrewphelps Um, hi, I'm Suzanne. Nice to meet you!
@volcanicash Thanks so much! I agree -- bit by bit, little efforts can come together to make something bigger.
@CharlotteAnne Hi Charlotte, I'm curious to see what you're broadcasting but having trouble connecting!
@Inkaman is it an RSS feed or is there someone behind it?
@sfordinarygirl FANTASTIC! Thanks so much! I too love that Jefferson quote. So perfect.
Tomorrow I turn 28. But before you tell me “Happy birthday!”, please consider this first:
New blog post: My birthday wish: Help journalism
(in case you missed it) Calif. job alert: Multimedia reporter, sports editor & copy editor. Search Visalia on RETWEET!
@danielbachhuber I first read that tweet as sarcasm, but did a double-take. Was it?


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