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Eating graham cookies my wife made. Mmmmm.
Koala vs. Wombat?
Erin's under the delusion the cat would win. What about lobster vs. cat?
House cat vs. owl. Who would win?
Going to a Marvin Gaye themed restaurant in DC for brunch. When you finish your meal, your father comes out with the waiter and shoots you.
It's not a violin. It's a value-lin.
My wife just asked a question that could only be resolved by consulting the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual Volume II.
Watching "Conan the Governor" in HD on Comcast On-Demand.
Anybody want to see the Infamous Stringdusters at the State tonight? DM me if you're interested.
Rocking out to Cat Stevens this afternoon. Hopefully that won't land me on a terrorist watch list.
Let's welcome @jeffreywstewart to Twitter.
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a life-sized mannequin of Grace Jones made entirely out of chocolate -
@stacyqc You tip your hairdresser every time you see her. Why do you need to tip her at the holidays?
From the American Spectator review of Chinese Democracy: "Axl Rose is roughly the same age as the incoming president."
I don't care if you **are** a band website. You still shouldn't automatically play music on page load. It's annoying.
That's it. The people of Illinois are no longer fit to rule themselves through democratic means.
@JPFreire It stores energy lost while braking for use when you start riding again. I just assume the added weight negates any real benefit.
The only thing more pretentious than riding a fixie is riding a fixie with a regenerative braking system:


Kurt Stowe Boyd Tom Bridge Alex Payne Gedeon Maheux joanne  mcneil Will Kern Brett Kelly Jack Shedd Craig Davis Joshua Green Allen hotdogsladies Jerry Brito Kathleen Mike Wasylik Gina Trapani Talley Cord Blomquist Tiffany Bridge Andy Ihnatko Gregory Go Will Wilkinson DMarusic Greg Knauss Leo Laporte John Barry Bill Kocik Chris Bishop Brian Kieffer Justine Lam Matthew Dybwad MatthewVB brittany Joe Krill D. Keith Casey, Jr. Julian Sanchez