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The Three Wise Men are dressed like rappers.
At my niece's Christmas program, which is awfully like the one in Love Actually.
If you're from the H'ville area or just like news and weather Tweets, please add my new @waff48 account. Thanks!
@xfrosch the 48 building on the Parkway
1st day of work and its freaking SNOWING.
@xfrosch I'd really like to celebrate Advent and Christmas Mass. Very meaningful to me.
Got everyhing set up with my Mac Mini, but I'm missing whatever attaches it to the TV DVI port.
Would a netbook make more sense on an economic sense to buy instead of another MacBook, which really does need a replacement?
I set two alarm clocks. Too bad I can't program my tea kettle.
Does anyone in these parts go to Christmas Mass or a Unitarian holiday celebration. I love Christmas services.
Found the phone. Thanks, guys!
Could anyone DM me? Misplaced phone time.
I'm trying to organize a holiday/celebration round of Mexican and margaritas Friday night. Lemme know if you aren't on FB but mgith wann ...
@JulianKross I'll have to see if I can find that here. We are without Whole Foods or a good co-op.
What's the best place in H'ville for big margaritas and that could handle a decent crowd on a Friday night? Trying to throw myself a party.
Has anyone ever found and tried migraine tea or other homeopathic methods that work? I have to be migraine-free for a month without insuranc
@LordAndrei Thanks for the compliment, btw. I've enjoyed your LJ for years.
Great timing for a migraine. WILL knock this out in the bud.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Hunter Mojo Denbow Nick Douglas Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale President Monteiro Chris Prakoso Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Matthew Bischoff Guan Yang Zoot Justine Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan Graham English Justin Kownacki Bill Palmer Veronica Belmont Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long fake mat honan Jack Hodgson Dina Robert Scoble Ryan Carson
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