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@jasonbock Chipotle's carnitas is way better than Pancheros...come back from the dark side :)
@lozanotek MVC puts some things in place to encourage you to do things better, but you can completely ignore them.
There is a force that makes all code try to live as close as possible to every other bit of code in a project. Nothing wants to be separated
@MotoWilliams The controllers are actually ok in this case, but everything else is in the code behind.
we have technology problems, but most of our issues in the tech world are probably human problems.
...button click event handlers in the code behind... business and data access logic in the code behind
I'm currently looking at a real MVC project and it is all just webforms in an MVC template.
Observation from the wild: working with ASP.NET MVC definitely doesn't guarantee better code, it doesn't even guarantee and SOC.
There's nothing like looking in a directory called Models and seeing a class called "datalayer" as the main object.
Aegon Insurance has one of the worst career/application sites I have seen, it pops up completely irrelevant error messages.
@urbanbigfoot That doesn't bode well for Cedar Rapids if the snow plows got ruined.
@DerikWhittaker yeah safari online has been great
listening to @mbenko at #crineta
@lozanotek I played on an adult dodgeball team a couple of years ago and it was a blast
@DumpsterDoggy So what games did you get for your xbox?
Just posted on how to initialize List<T> with a Func:
@DumpsterDoggy reminds me of those mullet sites that were making their rounds several years ago.
waiting for some good carnitas at las glorias
Sitting at Coffee Roasters catching up on tech reading.


Scott Raymond Don Demsak Anthony Handley Jamie DeKruif Scott Chacon Caleb Jenkins Jake Good Chris Bilson Mike Gunderloy John Resig Alan Le Jon Galloway Phil Haack Kevin Dente Dave Bost Miguel Carrasco Chad Fowler Miguel de Icaza sergio pereira Tim Rayburn Matt Westgate Brad Wilson Tim Bray Suzanna Moran Glenn Block Steve Wright Tim O'Reilly Lullabot David Laribee bill baker John Osborn Larry Clarkin Jeff Atwood Steve Loethen Scott Hanselman Rob Conery
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