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I guess that's not as cool though, since I'm not getting paid to stand outside in front of the cameras like a dummy.
Whenever the national news descends on Fargo because of weather, I feel the urge to make a fool of myself in front of the cameras.
@yelvington - It's not the cold so much as the roads right now. And the ice. My apt. door is frozen shut. Waiting for management.
The bush/shoe thing is funny until you get to the part about the trail of blood. WTF?
Snowed in today. Technically iced in. This blizzard wasn't half as bad as they projected, but my door still froze shut twice today.
@andrew_dunn A mom and pop bookseller on a small town Main Street can be a power seller on Amazon and eBay just the same.
@andrew_dunn Because online, "local" can mean a lot of things and nothing at all when it comes to market fluidity.
@andrew_dunn It's about connecting regional/national buyers to local markets. Local news is just the thoroughfare.
@andrew_dunn Local advertising works, but it has to scale up. Newspapers tend not to think beyond their own circ areas.
B is for bear:6-week old::Finnegan's Wake:25-year old
Playing around with Songbird music player this week. It's pretty awesome. Can't wait to see more plugins come out.
At the rate the gmail team is adding new labs features, I might be checking the labs tab under settings more often than I check my email.
@gmarkham An idea: Give away the classified space. Charge to publish in print. Charge for contextual promotion throughout your site.
@gmarkham It makes that marketplace less fluid compared to craigslist. We should be giving away classifieds and charge for new value.
@gmarkham The other issue is the idea of an up-sell. Buy it for print, we'll put it online, sometimes at extra cost.
@gmarkham I think that's part of it. But look around. These are all poorly implemented vendor sites.
This is a vendor problem. I imagine newspapers stuck on hideous print heavy legacy vendor systems. All it needs is Web forms and XML feeds. Yuck. Better options, but still clunky. Disaster.
Are there even any good classifieds user interfaces out there at newspaper.coms? I bet none as dead simple as craigslist.


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