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now own a ridiculous amount of Santa costume fixins. about to drink my weight in eggnog for method acting
we can't be the first to try to weasel out of an actual costume by going as hung over santa and his hoey ho ho ho
looking for a santa costume... because apparently that's what you do here.
@MrTweet something's very wrong with your algorithm. @barackobama following someone shouldn't cause you to promote them. Outdegree counts.
Looking for this movie's plot in the deleted scenes.
Celebrating the end of the gilded age and prohibition day by choosing which of my 3.5 bathtubs to get my gin from. I'm thinking jacuzzi.
Is it stupider to ask for a handout without a plan for it, or to pretend that you came up with the perfect plan in two weeks?
3 bottles of black dye and 20 pounds of paper later l'm fairly certain that we've lost our security deposit.
It's horrifying to discover after fourteen years that @jessiep is a star wars denier. Is there an inter-galactic tribunal to report her to?
Fuck Jeopardy, Durant can be on my pub-trivia team anytime!
Dear San Francisco, what is it with your "bagels"? Please stop selling me doughnut-shaped muffins.
bringing in macroeconomic collapse appropriate christmas cheer with matte black tree ornaments. also wrapping paper. and souls.
Why yes, we'll take a 99.67% discount on that chair, thanks.
@pahlkadot that's a gateway container. just wait until they come over to my neigherbood and discover what you can put in a crack vial.
@gsatya congratulations on the new job.
As long as BOA keeps offering us $50,000 of uncollateralized credit, we should stop offering them TARP money.
you need to stop what you're doing and watch snoop dogg and martha cooking cognac mashed potatoes. go now, i'll wait.
game theory for fun: those getting Bush pardons for torture should be redentioned to the Hague, all others subject to US law.
if i never tweet again, it will be because brown sugar stuffed my arteries with butter and i died in the nap i'm about to take.
watching my home become a testimonial to the power of analog and obsessive compulsive disorder


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