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Zack did his part for the country:
Did the polls in Dixville Notch accuratly predict the results?
@psaffo link does not seem to be working... p.s. heard your talk with John Markoff from a few months ago as podcast. It was great. Thanks.
Dixville Notch... 6 for McCain 15 for Obama! First time Democrat since 1960!
Hasn't gone democrat since 1960
Dixville Notch.... TOTAL UPSET! Obama!!!!!!
@sarahlefton its like 20 people! Come on.... 9 minutes to count?
What's taking the election department in Dixville Notch so long to report results?
dixville notch voting live on CNN
@sarahlefton it all be over by 5 :-) want to come over at 3:30? But 5 is fine also
First polls open in 22 minutes. First polls (Dixsville Notch) close in 23 minutes. Any predictions?
Enjoying a beautiful sunrise in Sonoma while watching Zack color and show off his knowledge of green and yellow
@jonsiegal I generally don't anymore. The traffic level is too high nowadays.
Announcing the arrival of Jacob Weinberg http://weinbergfamily.cmail...
@mollywood based on your tweets re the kids I think you'll enjoy the ad from Let me know what u think
Brilliant advertisement from
@ryanblock good point on winning vs. Educating
@JasonCalacanis link? Spouce? Can't wait to read more... but they have to wait till after the debate... it'll be so much fun to watch


Josh Kopelman om Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Megan McCarthy Veronica Belmont debs Robert Scoble Alison Michael Gartenberg Andrea Mignolo CNN Breaking News Webware Josh Steve Rubel Liz Gannes Twitter Steven Levy Rafe Needleman Michael Arrington Harry McCracken william fellows sarah lefton Dan Fost Danny Sullivan Ryan Block Giovanni Rodriguez Robert Scoble dwight silverman arik hesseldahl Amanda Congdon robin raskin John Markoff Jeffrey Goldman Todd Lappin
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