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@glemak uh oh...that sounds very hyperserious!
What is video for?
@worldmegan no, it was just a note that I jotted down of that phrase.
Morning Twitskies and VloggerHeads. Lots of beautiful snow out there this morning.
snow is coming down very steadily here.
@worldmegan Months ago I wrote a note about talent being a "burden," relevant obligation/opportunity. Unfulfilled talent yields regrets.
@OhCurtzilla344 I saw kenrg's tribute to your baccalaureate. Very lounge lizardy! Congrats!
Morning, Twitskies and VloggerHeads. Must have coffee
@ccarfi with you on that one, Chris. Had lunch with ad guy today who laments the lack of that pov in his clients. Mired in the past.
@scroader thanks, man. It's been a very cool five months. Looking forward to more great things in 2009.
@lauragatning VloggerHeads members would love to be able to subscribe to each other in a simple manner. Look forward to the new features.
@dsearls have a great holiday out there, Doc. Travel safe.
If you've noticed your follower count has decreased, here's why I lost about 90.
@dsearls sorta sad to see that go. I've spent many hours browsing in there. But the suggestion is a cool one, for sure.
@lauragatning thanks, Laura. Will there be any way that the less geeky amongst our members will be able to use that functionality?
The 2008 VloggerHeads Headly Award Nominees have been announced. Go check 'em out!
@stoweboyd did you see the Twitter blog post announcing the upcoming "culling" of departed followers? Numbers should drop, they say.
Good morning Twitskies and VloggerHeads. How can it be only one week 'til Christmas?!?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Jason Goldman Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross om Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Ted Ernst Brett Petersel Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Aaron Huslage Chaitanya Sagar David Parmet Justine Aldon Hynes Dean Landsman Sam Perry Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan John Federico Beth Kanter Becky McCray Veronica Belmont Heath Row Jim Long Teressa Flye Nancy White
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