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sleep is elusive once again despite decent hotel
Another fatality on the train line near Durham means delays before i even get out of Darlington.
yippee !!! expenses time, why so excited? well it gets me away from EU docs of course
I now have 1500+ questions to answer and fill out in an xls - most of it based on reading EU documentation, think I may struggle today..
Oh how I love process & documents and especially EU one's.... tis the season
i feel about ready to give up for the day, feeling increasingly sick and drained, might go join my sick daughter on the sofa and watch tv..
The morning email brings news of another Deadpool startup - I Want Sandy closes up shop
Just waiting for Kings Of Leon to hit the stage. Looking forward to it despite feeling like crap!
losing the ability to focus left eye or stop it watering constantly - dentist wasn't joking when he said he used a lot of anaesthetic
It's snowing!
I look and feel like cack - lost hearing in one ear through pressure, nose is blocked, throat sore, tired and still have another flight ...
At my first OMTP Plenary meeting listening to BONDI updates - My Green task is next up - and removing Pownce updates.
Airlines really need to stop people boarding with way more luggage than can easily fit in overhead bins. Drives me nuts
Flying to Munich with an increasingly bad cold. I hate travelling with a cold :(
Been a lovely birthday for the boy, built lego most of the day, went to the beach for a lemon top and had a McDonalds + party tea - sweeet
wasting time on Facebook.
Sitting on plane which should be pushing back. I guarantee you some tw@t is late so we all have to sit here like patient sheep.
There should be a rule about not getting up this early
I so wish I had my hat with me. Slowly fracking freezing to death here.
Metal in my back set off scanners today, maybe because I had to do the full body scanner?!