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Wow this rain is really coming down but it does give me a chance to try out vlingo
Driving to Virginia in the cold cold rain
Wow, here's a first: some sloppy coding in Facebook:
This Nike commercial with Lebron and the chalk has Lil Wayne smiling... Never seen that. Always been a real serious dude.
[Fb Posted Item] Louis CK "Everything's amazing, nobody's happy"
@jbrockie I just bought a pro account for Remember the Milk... This doesn't replace that, though.
I'll jump in, too. "Gmail tasks" is very slick. Not sure how I'll integrate it with actual emails, but having that list for projects in key.
Ok, I was wrong about the .mp4. Need to use .mov with h.264, and apparently only a 2000kb/s datarate.
Crazy datarate possibilities with .mp4: 3:13m video, 9000 kb/s datarate, 231MB. The .avi file I had before was awful, and twice the size!
Crushing my MBP right now with Handbrake ripping, VisualHub transcoding... Still relatively quick with other processing, though.
I think the trick for YouTube quality is .mp4 encoding. Smaller filesize, higher quality, much faster exporting from iMovie
Watching NFL football night in America on NBC
Another phenomenal SNL Digital Short. So funny, plus a super-short cameo by Justin Timerlake. He's all over SNL these days
Having trouble uploading to YouTube... Tried Safari, now on to Firefox.
Favorite iPhone camera pic from Jingle Jam '08
Students at Choate hockey game
Found the auto-crop function in VisualHub. Works like a charm. Received widescreen video with bars above and below, VH cropped it right on.
Importing more video from Jingle Jam. Great show, made awesome by the fact that I was on stage. For the show. Taking video, but still
@greglinch It's the opposite for me. Looks like I need Basecamp, now.
Watching the OJ sentencing live on MSNBC


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